Sale price$54


The last thing you want when you're trying to enjoy a joint, bowl, or just the perfect single hit is to have to tilt and turn you€™re lighter for hours awkwardly. 

Our revolutionary new and improved design of blink makes it easy. 

Just push the button once and use it at any angle desired with our comfortable grip handle! 

Use this lightweight product hands-free to save yourself from that ever annoying flame you need to keep adjusting as well as anything else that's remotely dangerous while blazing out of control.

Throughout its ergonomic yet tough design, we added safety features like an adjustable flame ensuring total safety so adults in weed-legal states can blaze as they please without worries! 

Whether use alone or collaborate with others during parties, we hope this light can provide everyone some illumination.


  • 9ct Display
  • Push Button Igniter
  • Butane Refillable
  • Flame Adjustable
  • 3 Different Colors
  • 5 Inches

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